Marc Randolph

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor


Marc Randolph is a veteran Silicon Valley entrepreneur, advisor and investor. As co-founder and founding CEO of Netflix, he laid much of the groundwork for the streaming service. He's the author of That Will Never Work and a podcast of the same name.

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Starting a Business

Get Over Imposter Syndrome and These 4 Other Hurdles of Being a New Entrepreneur With Help from Netflix's Co-Founder

Netflix co-founder breaks down five questions that most new entrepreneurs have and what you need to ask yourself to jump through the first stages of creating your own business.


Bill Gates solía volar en clase turista todo el tiempo a pesar de poder permitirse la primera clase, por una razón sorprendentemente fácil de entender

¿Por qué elegiría uno de los hombres más ricos del mundo un asiento barato? No era porque no pudiera pagar la comodidad adicional.

Thought Leaders

Bill Gates Used to Fly Economy All the Time When He Could Easily Afford First Class — For a Surprisingly Relatable Reason

Why would one of the richest men in the world choose a cheap seat? It wasn't because he couldn't afford the extra legroom.

Business News

Netflix Is Mailing Out Its Last DVD Today. I Got the Very First One 25 Years Ago.

Netflix co-founder and founding CEO Marc Randolph tells the story of the first Netflix DVD that got sent in the mail — and one he wished never went out the door.

Thought Leaders

Ask Marc: Netflix Co-Founder Marc Randolph on Staying Motivated, Morning Routines and Setting Priorities

In this new installment of our 'Ask Marc!' video series, Marc Randolph offers inspiration and insights to new entrepreneurs.

Thought Leaders

This Grad Student Is Changing the Way Chemists Clean Their Flasks

Marc sits down to talk with entrepreneur and graduate student Ivana Korankyi on how to move forward with her invention the Flasky.

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