Mary Hood


Mary Hood is CEO of Hollywood Sensation Jewelry. Mary is a creative sales professional with a background in fine jewelry, marketing, merchandising, photography, eCommerce and customer development. Experienced and capable of developing logistics, PR and social media strategies.

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Side Hustle

Your Side Hustle's New Year's Resolutions

It's that time of year when we resolve to improve. In 2023, why not commit to taking your side hustle to the next level?

Side Hustle

4 Seasonal Side Hustles to Keep Your Pockets Jingling

Everyone can use some extra money before and after the holiday season, so bring on the side hustle!

Thought Leaders

Black Friday and Cyber Monday Might Be Over—But These Little-Known Strategies Will Help You Sell Big in December

Are you ready for the holiday shopping surge? Here's how to keep up with demand and sell big this season.

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Top 10 Horror Movie Entrepreneurs

It's the spookiest time of the year! Let's turn out the lights, turn on our favorite horror films, and learn important entrepreneurship skills.

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You Need to Spy On Your Competition to Succeed: Business Spying 101

Innovative entrepreneurs watch and learn from their competition. Here's how to do it inexpensively and make the most of what you learn.


What's the Secret to a Successful Website Business? Be a Human, not a Homepage

Want to attract devoted online customers? Show them you are a real person they can know, like and trust.

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