Mayank Pratap


Mayank Pratap is a bad speaker but Awesome Earphone; He listens and advises startups to do regular things in innovative ways. Co-founder of EngineerBabu that helps Startups to find Perfect Tech Partner, Global Standards in Indian Style

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Starting a Business

8 Ways to Power Your Bootstrapped Startup

It involves listening to partners, stakeholders, and customers, and keeping the ego (and VC firms) out of the equation

Growth Strategies

How to Hire the Right Freelancer

Temporary and fluid work arrangements cannot match the productivity of a skilled and full-time salaried employee in so many ways

Growth Strategies

Five Lessons to Learn From Successful Unicorn Startups

Each of these businesses has one thing in common: they meet consumer needs


Humans are Headed, Resources are Managed: 5 Ways to Head Your Team

It is not a team of geniuses, it is a team with fire


#7 Tips to Get More Sales At Your Startup

When you are new to this field, and you start to have inquiries related to your services, you focus on grabbing more and more clients. But, You cannot afford to make mistakes.

Growth Strategies

8 Steps to Hire Best Freelance App Developer

App developers have become invaluable to entrepreneurs and business owners. Fortunately, there are many app developers in the market and finding one to hire isn't hard these days

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