Micha Kaufman


Micha Kaufman is chief executive officer and co-founder of Fiverr, launched in 2010. He is the visionary behind Fiverr's product and platform strategy, leading the company in its global mission to democratize lean entrepreneurship. Since its launch, Fiverr has became a leader in its multibillion dollar industry, enabling freelancers and entrepreneurs to start doing, growing and succeeding. Kaufman is also a partner at a venture capital firm and private investor in a number of disruptive consumer Internet companies. As a recognized voice in the areas of entrepreneurship, the future of work and the gig economy, Kaufman frequently shares his views through the Fiverr blogMedium and various media outlets.

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Why the Government's Gig Economy Data Falls Short

A new Bureau of Labor Statistics study on freelancers misses the mark.


Don't Confuse Driving for Uber With the Freelancer Economy Powering America's Entrepreneurial Boom

The travails of workers employed by ride-hailing and delivery platforms are real but often mask the success of freelance workers in the knowledge economy.

Business Ideas

The FCC's Looming Repeal of Net Neutrality Is an Assault on Entrepreneurship

Net neutrality means, by law, your website and Amazon load at the same speed. FCC Chairman Ajit Pai calls that "heavy handed regulation.''

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Single-Payer Health Insurance Could Help Would-be Entrepreneurs Quit Their Jobs to Pursue Their Dreams

Universal health insurance would free skilled talent to form their own businesses, driving prosperity and entrepreneurial innovation.

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Every Entrepreneur Is a Dreamer. Ending DACA Is a Blow to All of Us, Wherever We Were Born.

A dynamic society wants people with ambition and talent. What is the future for a society that deports those people?

Starting a Business

Starting Up Outside of Silicon Valley May Be Tough, But It Lays the Groundwork for Generations of Entrepreneurs

For those of us building new startup communities, the payoffs extend far beyond our current ventures.

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