Michael Miller
Based in the Twin Cities area, Michael Miller is the author of YouTube for Business: Online Video Marketing For Any Business (Que Publishing, 2nd edition, 2011).
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Why Short Videos Are Wildly Popular Over Social Media
Yes, you can produce creative and compelling marketing videos in 15 seconds -- or less.
YouTube Success: Tracking Your Video Performance
Find out who's watching your YouTube videos, and how you can improve your video results.
5 Ways to Promote Your YouTube Videos
Here's how to get your videos noticed and attract more viewers to your brand channel.
How to Upload and Optimize YouTube Videos for SEO
Here are tips for making sure you've uploaded your videos correctly and that viewers can find them.
How to Edit Videos: YouTube Basics
Start producing more professional YouTube videos with these four easy steps.
How to Plan and Shoot YouTube Videos for Business
From scripting to shooting, these tips can help you produce professional looking videos on a budget.
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