Nancy Aichholz


As CEO of Aviatra Accelerators, Nancy Aichholz has successfully positioned Aviatra’s educational programming for female entrepreneurs, resulting in more than 2,500 women completing Aviatra programs, 15,000 jobs created and a cumulative total of over $1 billion in earned revenue.

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Money & Finance

Businesses Need More Women Investors. Here's How That Can Happen.

Female investors who share knowledge and guidance with other women founders will improve the likelihood of success and return for the investors.

Thought Leaders

Reframing the Concept of Networking for Women Entrepreneurs: Relationships, Not Networks

Build relationships before you need to ask for help -- you'll have already established trust, reliability and familiarity.

Mujeres emprendedoras

Reformulando el concepto de trabajo en red para mujeres empresarias: relaciones, no redes

Construya relaciones antes de que necesite pedir ayuda: ya habrá establecido confianza, confiabilidad y familiaridad.


The Challenges in Getting Funding for Women and Minority-Owned Businesses, And How to Solve Them

There are a number of ways to finance a business, but all include doing your homework.


Los desafíos para obtener financiamiento para empresas propiedad de mujeres y minorías, y cómo resolverlos

Hay varias formas de financiar un negocio, pero todas incluyen hacer su tarea.

Starting a Business

Should You Start a New Business This Year?

Here are a few tips for ringing in the entrepreneurial new year with confidence.

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