Neil Dsouza


A leader in sustainability solutions, Neil Dsouza is the founder and CEO of Makersite. Recognized as a leading expert in the industry, Neil has a passion for applying data to understand and solve tough societal challenges.

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3 ნაბიჯი, რომელიც ბრენდებმა Metaverse-ის დასაპყრობად უნდა გადადგან

უნდა მიაქციონ თუ არა ყურადღება ბრენდის ლიდერებმა Metaverse-ს? - აუცილებლად

Science & Technology

3 Steps Brands Must Take to Win the Metaverse

The metaverse represents a change from a sensory and engagement perspective.


3 pasos que las marcas deben seguir para ganar el metaverso

El metaverso representa un cambio desde una perspectiva sensorial y de compromiso.

Thought Leaders

Know Your Superpower, Hire Believers and More Lessons From a Serial Entrepreneur

By focusing on goals, vision, talent and resources, an entrepreneur opens the door to smart growth.


Conozca su superpoder, contrate creyentes y más lecciones de un emprendedor en serie

Al centrarse en los objetivos, la visión, el talento y los recursos, un emprendedor abre la puerta al crecimiento inteligente.