Natalie Bounassar
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Why I Stopped Saying, 'I'm Not a Competitive Person'
Politeness has nothing to do with it. This justification is just an out not to succeed.
Driving Through Doubt
A young entrepreneur describes the challenges she finds each stage of the journey through the creative process. Is it the same for you?
Maximizing the Potential of a Creative Mind
A young entrepreneur explores the messy process of experimentation.
Make Rejection Work for You
Tough criticism can drive positive change. Just open yourself up and listen. The sting of failure can power you to try a new path.
4 Keys to Coping With Career Change
How do you move forward when you realize your work life needs to take a radically new direction?
An Entrepreneur's Guide to Dealing With Downtime
Anyone launching a startup must to learn to play the "hurry up and wait" game quite often.
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