Natasha Withers
Dr. Natasha Withers is a New York City-based physician at One Medical Group. She has expertise in all aspects of primary care as well as extensive training in osteopathic medicine.
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6 Ideas for Healthy Team-Building Activities
Ditch the sweets, the chips and the beers. Help your employees bond instead with potlucks, team sports or charity work.
11 Strategies for Eating Healthy on a Business Trip
Think you can't find healthy airport food? Look again.
8 Tips to Watch Your Waistline at the Office
Weight gain and health problems aren't inevitable consequences of cube life.
12 Tips to Stay Healthy While Working From Home
Are you on your computer and in bed right now? Bad idea
8 Tips for an Awesome, Healthier Commute
Whether you bike it to work or simply unwind your mind in the subway, aim to strip stress from the seemingly empty moments.
5 Reasons to Get Off Your Butt at Work
Burning the candle at both ends to launch your startup? Above all, don't ignore addressing this important health risk.
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