Nicole Bernard

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor


Nicole Bernard's career began with Microsoft over 15 years ago, and since that time, she has owned and operated two successful businesses as well as worked with other major brands including RE/MAX and Venus Williams. She also hosts a popular podcast.

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Lo que el basquetbolista Damian Lillard me enseñó sobre el branding personal

La mayoría de los emprendedores no se dan cuenta de lo valiosa que es su marca personal. Esto es lo que puedes aprender de Damian Lillard.


What Damian Lillard Taught Me About Personal Branding

Most entrepreneurs don't realize how valuable their personal brand is. Here's what you can learn from Damian Lillard.

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7 Things I've Learned In 7 Years of Entrepreneurship

After my dad died nine days after his cancer diagnosis, I started my business a few weeks later because I realized life is short. Here is what I have learned over the last seven years of entrepreneurship.

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The Mindset Tips No One is Telling You About

Here are a few mindset tips I have learned over the last 15 years of entrepreneurship that I wish someone had told me about.


Por qué corrí 48 millas en 48 horas para mejorar mi negocio

Un amigo me propuso un desafío de carrera de 48 millas (es decir, más de 77 kilómetros) y nunca imaginé que me ayudaría a crecer y mejorar mi negocio.

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Why I Ran 48 Miles in 48 Hours to Improve My Business

A friend asked me to run a 48-mile running challenge, and I never expected that it would help me grow and improve my business.

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