Nik Fowler-Hainen

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Business News

Get Organized for a Smooth Home Buying Experience

A home is typically the single largest purchase a person makes in their lifetime. And with so much riding on choosing the right home at the right price, the challenges...

Business News

7 Visual Trends in Media and Publications

Experienced online marketers schooled in visual trends know full well that the old axiom which says "a picture is worth a thousand words" is entirely false. They're worth considerably more...

Business News

How To Engage Niche Audiences at the Right Time

Marketing to a niche audience can be rewarding and challenging. It's worthwhile to target smaller audiences that the competition isn't serving. However, identifying these unique groups of consumers is sometimes...

Business News

Make Your Bucket List a Priority With Microsoft Calendar

Most people have a bucket list. It's often a list of things they want to do but may not seem to have time to do right now. Over time, as...

Business News

Keep Family's Schedule Running Smoothly with Office 365 Calendar

Family life these days can be hectic, demanding, and stressful. Most parents have to juggle multiple schedules, watch after their children, and still have time to work on their own...

Business News

How to Use the New Microsoft Calendar – Features You Never Knew Existed

Microsoft Calendar serves as a must-have resource that can help keep you on schedule. The application is frequently updated to provide new features. In addition, it can integrate with other...

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