Parth Misra


Parth Misra is a certified content marketing specialist with a knack for finding unique and unconventional ways to connect brands with their audiences using entertaining, informative content.

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These 7 Video Tips and Tricks Will Help Get Your Website Noticed

Video is big. But if its sheer irresistability were its only criterion, Youtube could have gone with the tagline 'No one can watch just one.

Science & Technology

All the Ways in Which Your Smartphone Can Track You and How to Put an End to It

Aren't you just a little creeped out at how those ads follow you around? These apps can help.

Science & Technology

You've Got Cloud. Now, What?

Multi-cloud architecture and server-less computing are only two of the fine-print strategies you should think about adopting.

Thought Leaders

5 Reasons Every Entrepreneur Should Start in Sales

The sales team knows that closing deals is what makes the company go. You want everyone on the team to know that, too.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Investing in Your Employees Is the Smartest Business Decision You Can Make

Richard Branson put it best: Customers come second, employees first. It's a philosophy that brings unexpected benefits to both the company and its clients.


Account-Based Marketing and Inside Sales Are a Match Made in Heaven

Proliferating digital comms platforms have made 'inside sales,' or remote sales, the prime mover in B2B and tech sales. Whatever your company's sector, it's expected to eclipse traditional sales by 2020.

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