Pattie Simone


As president of Pomona, N.Y.-based marketing-advantage and founder of WomenCentric, Pattie Simone empowers ambitious companies, individuals and entrepreneurs, helping them to develop strategic, integrated, well-branded communications that engage diverse audiences and fuel sales.

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How to Succeed at Product Placement Without Celebrities

Get your product into the scene of a blockbuster movie, if you can, but until then leverage your social media marketing and boost sales with placements in local and regional outlets.


Weird Companies That Work

Marketing advice from four pioneering entrepreneurs

Growing a Business

The Entrepreneurial Ripple Effect

Successful Martha Stewart disciples are paying it forward to the next generation.


Is Your Company Cool Enough?

In today's business climate, image is more important than ever. That's why Entrepreneurs like Amanda Steinberg are putting theirs to work.


Soup Up Your Social Sales Channels

If you make time for it and know your stuff, you can chat your way to more Web traffic.


5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Site's Search Engine Ranking

Instead of trying to create traffic, learn to stand in front of it.

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