Portia Asli, P.Eng., MBA


Portia Asli is the founder of Optimyzed Brain and a licensed engineer helping entrepreneurs and executives optimize their brains for high performance.

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3 Common Mistakes That Are Destroying Your Productivity

Learn how you can optimize your mental performance for productivity by avoiding these three common mistakes.


Boost Your Cognitive Performance By Minimizing Oxidative Stress

Do you have a hard time concentrating? Do brain-intensive tasks take longer to complete? Do you feel irritated and agitated quickly? Follow these actionable nutrition tips to increase your cognitive performance.


5 Powerful Leadership Lessons to Learn From Star Wars's Boba Fett

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5 poderosas lecciones de liderazgo de Boba Fett de Star Wars

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5 High-Performance Strategies Entrepreneurs Can Adapt From Marathoners

Implement the strategies that help long-distance runners stay highly focused, maintain energy throughout the course and have an astounding mental resilience.


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Implemente las estrategias que ayudan a los corredores de larga distancia a mantenerse altamente concentrados, mantener la energía durante todo el recorrido y tener una asombrosa capacidad de recuperación mental.

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