Randy Myers


A former reporter for The Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones and contributor to Barron's, Randy Myers is a contributing editor for CFO and Corporate Board Member magazines.

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Business News

Can I Deduct That? Your Tax Deduction Checklist

Figuring out what you can and can't deduct as a business expense is challenging. These tips help you lower your tax bill without running afoul of the federal tax code.

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The Great Debate: Should You Let Employees Work From Home?

Yahoo and Best Buy may have concluded that telecommuting doesn't work for their companies anymore, but it could still make sense for your business.

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When Employees Aren't Part of the 'Family' in Family Business

Your top employee may not be a member of your family, but is almost certainly a key to your company's success. Are you doing enough to keep him or her happy?

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When Friends and Family Become Financiers

Raising money from family and friends to fund a business can be a complex situation to navigate, requiring both personal trust and a professional approach.

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How to Do Business in China

The author of 'Selling to China' offers advice for American entrepreneurs eager to do business in China, the world's second-largest economy.

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How Franchisees Can Find Room for Innovation

Franchisees have to play within their franchiser's rules, but that doesn't mean they have to turn off their creativity.

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