Rich Kahn
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Love the Boonies! 5 Tips for Recruiting Top Talent for a Rural Location
A small-town location has financial perks. Just make sure you start recruiting early.
You Should Be Protecting Your Business from Phony Leads
If not, you aren't just wasting ad dollars, you're risking legal action and potentially alienating your prospects with unsolicited phone calls.
5 Strategies for Getting Press for Your Small Business
Small business owners have a lot on their plate. Oftentimes they're doing it all -- ordering inventory, responding to customers, managing employees. Marketing their company is the last thing on their mind.
6 Simple Ways to Revamp Your Small Business's Online Presence
Most websites focus solely on SEO, but increasing your online visibility involves more than that.
How to Continue Your Small Business Success After the Holidays
After the holidays, budgets are tighter, consumers are exhausted and it can be hard to make the idea of shopping again appealing at all.
6 Proven Ways Content Marketing Benefits Your Small Business
It can give you the opportunity to not only expand your company, but also to build your reputation and establish a place as a trusted leader in the industry.
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