Robin Buckley, PhD


A cognitive-behavioral coach with a Ph.D. in clinical psychology, Dr. Robin Buckley helps successful women and couples thrive in their careers and relationships.

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Psychological Safety in the Workplace is More Than Being Nice

Here are nine steps to creating a culture that cultivates psychological safety.


Don't Ruin Your Relationship. Follow These 5 Business Strategies to Create Success in Your Relationship

Applying what you know in business to your relationship can result in relationship success.


What Ted Lasso-like Media Can Teach You About Success

To achieve your personal and professional success, start with a foundation of cognitive health.


Cancel Culture Is Lazy. We Need Revision Culture Instead.

We can find a different way to create change and growth out of toxic situations. Here's how.


The Shocking Ways Data Bias Makes Women 'Irrelevant,' and What We Can Do to Stop It

Ways in which research and "standards" - from heathcare to urban planning - have long skewed towards men and their perspectives: how to change them for the betterment of women, and the world.


Las sorprendentes formas en que el sesgo de datos hace que las mujeres sean 'irrelevantes' y qué podemos hacer para detenerlo

Formas en las que la investigación y los "estándares", desde el cuidado de la salud hasta la planificación urbana, se han inclinado durante mucho tiempo hacia los hombres y sus perspectivas: cómo cambiarlos para el mejoramiento de las mujeres y del mundo.

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