Roy Williams


Roy William's is the founder and president of international ad agency Wizard of Ads. Roy is also the author of numerous books on improving your advertising efforts, including The Wizard of Ads and Secret Formulas of the Wizard of Ads.

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Famous Last Words

If you've found yourself uttering any of these statements, your business could be in trouble.


Why Most Ads Fail

Most ads aren't written to persuade; they're written not to offend.


Is Low Traffic Holding You Back?

Take a look at your advertising campaign and your market to see how you can draw more customers to your business.


Ads That Push the Envelope

To get noticed, create a controversial ad campaign--complaints and all.


Is a Super Bowl Ad Really Worth the Cost?

What can $2.6 million really buy you? Plus our advertising expert's picks for smartest and dumbest Super Bowl ad--from a business perspective.


Why Aren't Your Ads Working?

If you're not drawing in as many customers as you'd like, there are only 4 places you need to look to figure out what's going wrong.

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