Sean Kelly
Sean Kelly is the CEO and co-founder of, the snacking marketplace for millennials, and co-founder of HUMAN (Helping Unite Mankind And Nutrition), a healthy foods distribution platform.
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How to Fix the Top 3 Mistakes Early-Stage Entrepreneurs Make
Rookies are going to make mistakes. The key is learning the smart way, not the hard way.
How to Finish 2016 With a Bang
Use the momentum of Q4 to slingshot yourself to greater success in the new year.
5 Ways to Turn a Crazy Idea Into an Awesome Reality
Insects as food source is brilliant nutritionally and environmentally, but to make a business of it you have to get past the revulsion factor.
3 Brain Hacks Leaders Use to Unlock Their True Potential
We have the ability to increase our brain capacity and more fully realize our potential as human beings in the process.
How Emotionally Brilliant Leaders Turn Envy Into Something Much More Beneficial
Moving from being envious to being inspired and motivated is a very big step in a much better direction.
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