Stan Popovich
Stan Popovich is the author of A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear Using Psychology, Christianity and Non Resistant Methods. Read the reviews of Popovich’s book by visiting
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8 Ways Leaders Can Reduce Anxiety on the Job
CEOs need a great plan in place -- and the expectation that sometimes, nothing goes as planned.
8 Tips to Gather Experience to Land Your Dream Job
Prep for when the perfect position opens up.
7 Tips for Preventing a Business Meltdown
Sustain a successful company amid a competitive marketplace.
8 Tips to Prepare for the Inevitable Tyrant Customer
Even the best customer service won't prevent all complaints but it can keep them from spiraling out of control.
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Ensure your business meetings aren't a complete waste of time by implementing these 10 tips.
6 Secrets to Making Business Decisions That Get Results
It can be stressful when you have to make important decisions regarding your business. But to get ahead of the game, it is a necessity.
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