Ted Devine
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Amazon: Friend or Foe? You Decide.
Do you see Amazon as a partner or an enemy? In a recent survey 42 percent of businesses saw the retail giant as having a negative effect, though fully 83 percent said they hadn't felt one personally.
Sound the Alarms: How Small-Business Owners Can Prepare for Hurricane Season
Disaster readiness is a cost of doing business in hurricane territory.
How Men and Women Take Risks Differently in Business
How you perceive risk depends on internal factors you've never considered.
4 Qualities That Make for a Great Startup City
All across America there are cities eager for the energy that entrepreneurs have in abundance.
Decoding Dad: 6 Hidden Business Tips He Gave You
Remember "I'm not paying to heat the world"?
Don't Wait for a Disaster to Interrupt Business. Prepare Now.
Forty to 60 percent of small businesses never reopen after a disaster. Make sure yours isn't one of them.
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