Tim Linnet


Tim Linnet Co-Founded Linnet Biopharmaceuticals Inc., a pharmaceutical company that aims to improve lives by creating new pharmaceuticals and consumer products. Linnet's first first consumer product, Daily-Decaffeinate helps coffee drinkers get a better sleep. Linnet is passionate about consumer products, new pharmaceuticals, entrepreneur health and ending slavery worldwide.

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Starting a Business

Your 9-to-5 Could Prepare You to Launch Your Industry's Next Disruptive Innovation

Lessons from a DDS-turned-CEO can help you capitalize on your professional degree in ways you might never have imagined.

Health & Wellness

7 Ways to Promote Restful Sleep After a Long Day

Exhausted but can't turn off your brain? Science is on your side to help you get some much-needed sleep.

Thought Leaders

5 Ways Consumer Product Entrepreneurs Thrive While Others Fumble

Entrepreneurs create unique, patentable products that solve problems the big companies can't

Growing a Business

5 Reasons to Start Locally With Your Product Sales

Starting out selling local can lead to big profits later.

Growing a Business

5 Reasons Entrepreneurs Should Partner With a University

Sure, my sheepskin cost a lot, but these days I'm leveraging it for success.

Buying / Investing in Business

How to Avoid Dangerous Investors and Possible Embezzlement

One of my friends stole $700,000 from me. Don't let that happen to you.

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