Vivek Patel


Vivek Patel is a local search specialist at E2M, a digital marketing agency based in India that is committed to meeting the highest ethical standards of digital marketing services to encourage and drive strategic and sustainable business growth. He covers local search optimization, organic search tactics and content marketing strategies.

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Business News

The Most Noteworthy Search Algorithm Updates by Google

One infographic to show you everything you need to know for your business.

Growing a Business

5 Ways to Think Like a Growth Hacker

There are a few things to consider before you change your LinkedIn title to 'Growth Hacker.'

Social Media

7 Ways to Improve Online Engagement With Visual Content

The better your images convey your message, the more memorable your words will be.

Data & Recovery

4 Key Things Entrepreneurs Should Know Before Planning a SEO Budget

SEO is no magic bullet. You need to understand its key elements before entering into an SEO campaign.


4 Ways to Successfully Link Build to Increase Website Traffic

The way SEOs look at link building has changed dramatically in the last few years to focus on both search visibility and target audience.

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