Zeke Adkins
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Customers Are Not Always Right. They Are Just Never Wrong.
Follow these steps to resolve most matters when clients' service expectations are not met.
The Art of Crafting Successful Vendor Relationships
Partnering with established service providers allows a young company to scale more quickly and focus on developing and refining the core business.
Are You Getting Your Money's Worth From Disagreements?
Consider how to truly listen to another colleague. You'll arrive at better discussions, decisions and results.
Why (and How) You Should Befriend Your Competitors
As a business owner, a large part of your strategy is to outshine competitors but savvy entrepreneurs know that it is also smart to create and maintain relationships with them.
Friends Forever? Stay Close Even After Co-Founding a Company.
Each partner should contribute to the business based on strengths. Rely on an advisor if needed and prepare for your relationship to evolve.
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