Adele Is Scaring Off Wealthy Home Buyers, Says Aggravated Seller The owner of a lavish British estate says he has struggled to sell it due to the singer's claims that it is haunted.
By David James

According to one real estate seller, Adele's next hit should be titled "Someone Like Boo."
London's The Times reports that the owner of a 10-bedroom mansion in West Sussex, called Lock House, has accused Adele of scaring off prospective buyers of the $7.4 million property with creepy stories.
The lavish home has two swimming pools and 25 acres of grounds — and possibly a few ghosts.
During a 2012 interview with Anderson Cooper, he asked about her six months renting the mansion, which was previously a convent. Adele answered that it was "all quite scary, really."
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British tabloid The Sun quoted an unnamed "friend of Adele," who told the paper that she ditched her rented digs because "She is convinced it is haunted. She knows about its religious history — and it's a big place to be in on your own in the dead of night."
The property's owner, Nicholas Sutton, says he has been trying unsuccessfully to unload the grand estate for years, and told The Times that Adele's remarks have "negatively impacted future marketing." He claims that her spooky stories have caused one prospective buyer to drop out of a sale.
Sutton says he is now seeking the area's district council to approve his plan to turn the property into three houses and a cottage to break the spell. A call to the Ghostbusters might be more effective — and would surely involve a lot less paperwork.
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