Ibrahim Colak


Ibrahim Colak is the founder and CEO of mrUsta, an online marketplace that connects customers to trusted Ustas (services providers) efficiently, in a transparent and convenient way.


Growth Strategies

Five Guiding Principles To Help You Close A Deal (Even During A Global Pandemic)

Choosing the right partner is the most important aspect of closing a large deal, whether it's a partnership, investment or acquisition.

Growth Strategies

A Pound Of Cure: How To Protect Your Brand From The Unexpected

As American founding father Ben Franklin famously said, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," and there are steps you can take right now to plan for the unexpected, protect your brand and preserve your own reputation as a business owner.


Five Ways Your Business Can Carve Out A Role In The Community

Your brand is human, and just like any person, you live off the engagement and interaction with other humans within your community.

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