Sarah Jones


Sarah Appleton founded Mini Exchange at the start of 2014. Previously, she had a successful career in finance, spending four years at Deloitte in Mergers & Acquisitions advisory, first in London and then in Dubai. After two years in the Gulf, Appleton left the finance world, recognizing the potential of the early-stage e-commerce market and the Mini Exchange business model. Appleton and Mini Exchange have been recipients of many awards in the last year, including ArabNet’s Start-Up Demo Award, a listing as one of the 50 Most Influential Brits in the UAE, Small Business CEO of the Year Award in the Middle East CEO Awards, and most recently as finalists in three of the categories in the Gulf Capital SME Awards.


Growth Strategies

Figuring Out Your Organization's Culture Conundrum: The How-To

It's the intersection of your people and the work that they do that provides the key to sustainable success, striking the perfect balance between productivity and profitability.


The Human Element: Integrating Technology And Data Into Your Customer Service Model

Yes, having an AI-powered model for shopping recommendations in e-commerce is great. But, CRM is much more than just tech. With surveys and chat-bots such a cliche, here's what sets Sprii apart.

Growth Strategies

How To Plot A (Better) Business Strategy For When The Region Travels

Worried about a summer slowdown in your e-commerce business? Sprii's Sarah Jones shares some tips.


Mobility Matters: Five Tips For Your Business Venturing Into M-commerce

Just as we got our heads around the abandonment of bricks and mortar malls for online shopping destinations, up pops another digital phenomenon which is demanding our attention: the beast of mobile commerce.


More Money Means More Opportunity: My Startup Got Funded In Dubai, And Now I'm Scaling The Business

Like most entrepreneurs, thoughts of how I could scale my venture was constantly on my mind. How could I grow Mini Exchange into a business that could expand to other markets in an innovative way?


Putting The Right Elements For Mini Exchange: How I Developed My Own MENA E-commerce Portal

Founder Sarah Appleton talks about building an online marketplace for parents to buy and sell new and like-new kids' clothing accessories, fancy dress and school uniform, as well as for brands and retailers to sell their end-of-season items.

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