Waking Up Early Really Is the Secret To Being Successful By getting up just two hours earlier every day, you gain 14 more hours in the week and 62 each month. Imagine what all you can achieve in that much time

By Jack Bloomfield

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We all see those motivational videos and articles talking about the benefits of waking up at 5am. But let's be honest, how many of us can really achieve it? The night before, waking up early might seem appealing but when that first alarm does go off, the snooze button always seems like the better option.

Here are three ways you can finally smash that goal of waking up early.

Go to bed early

For most people, 7-8 hours is essential for the body to function the next day. Waking up earlier is going to be so much easier if you are well rested. If you want to wake up 2 hours earlier than usual, go to bed 2 hours earlier. This will be hard for the first few nights but after a week it becomes easy. Also, put your phone out of reach when you go to bed. This means that when the alarm rings you physically have to get up to turn it off in the morning.

Have a higher purpose

Did you know that by getting up just two hours earlier every single day, you gain 14 more hours in the week and 62 each month? Imagine the kind of progress you could make with that extra time. It's all well and good having 14 more hours in the week but how exactly do you plan to spend it? Become clear with how it will be spent and how this can move you closer to your short/long-term goals.

Become clear with why you are getting up

What do you plan to achieve by getting up earlier? I would recommend you sit down the night before with a notepad and write down exactly what you want to achieve in those early hours of the morning. When the time comes to roll out of the bed, have this list right next to you so the reason for getting up is incredibly clear. If the reason you are getting up is so important to you, nothing should get in your way of achieving it. We can all think of goals in our life where nothing could stop us, making getting up early one of them.

If you honestly want to start creating more time for yourself, getting more done and or feeling better about yourself, try getting up early. Acknowledge that it will be hard at the start but try if for a week and you will see what I'm talking about.

Jack Bloomfield

CEO of Bloom Group

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