Abhishek Agarwal


Abhishek Agarwal, CEO & Co-Founder of Design’N’Buy, Mobicommerce & OhoShop, comes with more than 14 years of experience in Web-to-Print & IT. He hold his expertise in delivering innovate and unique ideas in w2p. He has a clan of experts that deliver challenging and exciting results. Delivering customized solutions with utmost perfection has been his life’s motto.



Web to Print: Give it a Thought as an Entrepreneur

Is it the next big thing?

Growth Strategies

How Intelligent Packaging makes Printing Industry Evolve

Let's explore the potential of intelligent printing and packaging segment


What is Holding Your Print Business Back?

Print businesses are making investments in technology but unable to reap benefits.

Growth Strategies

How The Printing Industry Can Grow With Optimum Resources

The first step towards evolving your print business is reassuring your presence among present and potential customers

News and Trends

The Future of Print Marketplaces

Print Marketplaces are easy to manage as they are built on Open Source platforms

News and Trends

Print Industry: The Role of Education in Bridging the Technology Gap

The printing industry needs to acknowledge the fact that digital disruption is around the corner impending challenges should be addressed

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