Ashish Gurnani


Ashish Gurnani studied Marketing and Finance in Northeastern University, Boston. Post that moved to Seattle to work at the mecca of e-commerce in Amazon as a Digital Advertising Analyst and worked with companies like John Hancock, EMC and Amazon.  He left his high paying job to create ‘PostFold’, a brand that he hopes is looked up to for its culture, honesty and style. Out of work he’s a big foodie who enjoys trying different types of food from all over the world, travelling and experiencing new cultures and swimming on Sundays.



Growing Your Online Presence as an E-commerce Brand - How to do it

A brand isn't the product but the persona that it builds around itself

Growth Strategies

Recurring Customers - the Boon for Online Fashion Startups

All in all, recurring customers are seriously a boon in plain sight and one that every brand should always remember to hold on to

Social Media

6 Reasons Why You Need a Digital Strategy

With new media taking over how we consume information, hence, it's becoming more and more important to stay up to date with the latest technology


6 Reasons Why You Need a Digital Strategy

Traditionally consumers used magazines and newspapers, now they consume information on Google, Facebook and Instagram

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