Ashish Parmar


Ashish Parmar is the CEO of Prismetric - one of the reliable Mobile App Development Companies. An enthusiastic entrepreneur, interested to discuss new app ideas, rich gadget tricks and trends, and admires signature tech business styles to readily embrace. He enjoys learning modern app crafting methods, exploring smart technologies and passionate about writing his thoughts too. Inventions related to mobile and software technology inspire Ashish and he likes to inspire the like-minded community through the finesse of his work.


Growth Strategies

Overcoming Client Challenges And Managing Multiple Stakeholder Goals Effectively

The project stakeholders management is like taming the multi-fanged, and multi-headed project beast, this is why it has become the topmost concern for the businesses to take hold of the uncontrollable projects


The Why and How of Using Chatbots in FinTech

Unlike before, the financial sector is enriched with many evolving revolutionary technologies

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