Chet Jain


Chet Jain (CJAY) is a serial entrepreneur with an infectious passion for whatever he does. As a founder of Crowdera, he wants to spread his belief in the power of giving to create abundance around us. His current goal is to establish Crowdera as a dominant player in social good crowdfunding and nonprofit fundraising space. 


News and Trends

The Emergence of New Businesses Shifting the World Towards Social Awareness

Helping society does not have to come at the cost of profit and profits can be sought in the pursuit of doing good


Crowdfunding The Next Big Thing in India

Crowdfunding can constructively disrupt Indian economy if it's allowed to operate at full throttle


These Free Crowdfunding Platforms Are Making Lives Easy For Fundraisers

These free or no-fee platforms have a very clear agenda - saving the precious donor dollars of fundraisers so as to make a greater impact or touch more lives.


Moving from Capitalism Towards a Giving Economy

People have used crowdfunding platforms for every occasion in their personal lives. From weddings, baby showers, vacations, medical emergencies and even funerals.

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