Why are Blue-collar Jobs Most Coveted by Millennials Young enthusiasts, coming majorly from rural and middleclass background, are constantly hunting for menial jobs with easy dispensable cash
By Arpit Mathur
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India is commonly known for its epithet: the land of endless opportunities and obviously, this keeps on growing with every year. Nevertheless, the service sector is burgeoning at an increasing pace and accommodating major chunk of populace, who draw their livelihood from various opportunities offered in private organisations, encompassing IT and corporate sector, the demand for blue collared jobs remain all time high.
This can be transpired to the emergence of start-ups and morphed into e-retail culture, across length and breadth of the nation, attracting a high amount of interest around it, especially among millennials.
The millennials, coming majorly from rural and middleclass background, are constantly hunting for menial jobs with easy dispensable cash. Hence, the dawn of India's latest favourite occupation- e-commerce dispatcher. The aspiration for a rapid, city life paired with agility to work-hard and sustain is what urges these young people to pick up such jobs with the veracity of a magnet to make their name in the service industry.
Here are a few more reasons why blue-collared jobs are most coveted:
Working on the perquisites of human development, flexibility on cushy spaces is what everyone desires. Yet, while most of the entrants have reclined themselves to the bottlenecks of a 9 to 5 job, the millennial prefer the freedom to choose, present in most blue collared jobs. The flexibility of pay and timings are known to boost effectiveness and induce loyalty, throughout ranks.
A Sense of Mission
Idea is important to build upon and achieve desired results, irrespective of the roles that one plays in an organisation. Most of the bigger corporation have a larger berth opening for the new entrants, attracting the millennial into taking up the posts; Organizational goals are formulated with brand name adds the required attraction, infusing new fresh blood to an age old practices. Also, new fangled start-ups come with engaging visions that attract the standard of living most millennial aspire to have.
Clear Communication
From recognition for a job well done to posting weekly schedules well in advance, clear communication in blue collared jobs authenticates the efforts of the millennials, contributing to a positive work environment. There is a greater amount of clarity and lucidity that most of the millennial prefer, when in a blue collared job, while corporate jobs usually come with a great deal of stress and complexity, which most of the youth avoid.
Training Opportunities
India's education system is framed for academics centric, to accelerate in academic fields, yet the need to develop vocational skill is lacking. As most blue-collared jobs are site-based, it's provides a golden chance to develop the employee skills and fill talent gaps. Often, millennial view blue-collar jobs as training grounds and stick to that arena for a year or two to gather experience, before venturing into the corporate world.
Offering Extra Perks
Blue-collar jobs are known for their incentives and benefits, owing to the low packages. As businesses can't afford to pay higher emoluments, they offer some extra impetus by incentivising work to make up the difference. Also, presence of labour unions ensures that a preferential treatment always remains. Employee discount on products and services or a bonus program for top performers are as prominent in low profile jobs as much as corporate, attracting millennial in troves.
Blue-collar positions may not seem enchanting, but fostering a pleasant work environment and creating opportunities for growth will go a long way in attracting talent and this is something that the average youth envisions for himself/ herself. The writing is clear on the wall- blue-collared jobs are here to stay.