Banner Network Vs. Ad Network Find out how to get your banner ad on other sites.
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You've got a Web site, you've got spiffy banner ads, buthow do you get your banner ads on other Web sites?
You may want to try a banner exchange network where you canupload your banners to a site designed to keep track of bannerswapping. You can even download banners from other complimentarysites to put up on your own.
The idea behind banner exchanges is to drive traffic to oneanother for mutual benefit. Some popular and reputable bannerexchange programs can be found at BannerExchange andLookSmart Clicks. Ifyour Web site is getting significant traffic, you can approach adnetworks such as DoubleClickInc. or L90 Inc.
These companies will put your site into a category such as womenor sports then usually sell across a category. Once you havesignificant site traffic (millions of visits per month), you havemore leverage to make sure your site is being sold individuallyfirst and then by category.
You may want to start with a banner exchange and then graduateto an ad network.
Aliza Sherman is an entrepreneur and author of Cybergrrl:A Woman's Guide to the World Wide Web (Ballantine Books).She is currently working on her next book and new company.