How to Increase Employee Engagement and Productivity Knowing your employees' values and passions can help productivity skyrocket.
By Kate Volman
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Kate Volman stresses that as the leader of a company, you need to understand that your employees are juggling a diverse number of demands in their lives, which can cause dysfunction and a lack of motivation. Productivity may come at the expense of these issues.
Volman points out that most people are not truly engaged in their lives, so expecting employees to be productive every day may not be practical. Instead, you should look to motivate them how you can.
What is important to your employees? Remember that they have their own goals, which you should make an effort to learn. To hear more about boosting productivity and engaging your employees, click the video.
Related: The Power of Clear Expectations Between Managers and Employees
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