The Life-Changing Mindset That Will Help You Make $1 Million Becoming a millionaire is no easy task, but with some strategic habits, it is possible.
By Jeff Rose
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner, Jeff Rose talks about how he was able to move toward making $1 million.
At one point in his career, he noticed he was hustling every day without rarely making big-picture improvements. Now, in retrospect, Rose can see how habits like reading more, adopting an invigorating social circle and looking for mentors helped him to turn his life around. The entrepreneur recommends a few other tips to help move your earning needle closer to $1 million:
- Drop the "broke" mindset. Even when he was able to reach a salary of six figures, Rose thought it unfathomable he may be able to reach $1 million. Limiting thoughts -- such as family members never reaching this level of income -- contributed to Rose's mindset.
- Wake up with a purpose. Instead of resigning himself to simply rolling out of bed, Rose talks about taking on each day with verve and determination.
- Cut out busy tasks. Rose realized that many of the minute operational tasks he completed each day were integral to his business, but also stood in the way of other tasks, like meeting with clients.
To hear all of Rose's tips for getting closer to making $1 million, click on the video.
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