
Growing a Business

Why a 7-Week Break From Work Took My Business and Team to Record Growth

My seven-week sabbatical launched my business to new heights — here's why.


Taking Breaks Doesn't Make You Lazy — Here Are 4 Ways It Actually Makes You More Productive

The more you find a balance between work and real life, the more the two will start to organically intertwine until you find your scheduling sweet spot. Here's how to find that right balance for you.


Use a Clinical Psychologist's Break-Taking Brain Hacks to Be More Productive Than Ever

Chris Mosunic, chief clinical officer at mental-health brand Calm, reveals how to make the most of your work day.


How to Achieve A CEO Level of Focus by Breaking Habits and Taking Breaks

Could your nonstop 9-hour work days be why you can't seem to focus?

Health & Wellness

How to Keep Calm, Focused and Present During Stressful Times

Life can be stressful, and long-term stress is detrimental to your physical, mental and emotional health. Follow this guidance to combat the stressors of today's world.

Business News

How to Be More Creative in Your Business

Creativity is an ongoing negotiation with yourself and the world. While making space in the daily hustle of running a business is difficult, finding small ways to tap into your creative mind can spark insights and innovations that broaden your business's horizons.


How to Make Sure You're Reading Books — Not Emails — on Vacation

Vacations should be a time to relax and enjoy with family or friends, but in today's connected world, it can be hard to disconnect from work.

Health & Wellness

An Entrepreneur's Greatest Asset Is Wellness. Here Are 5 Ways to Protect Yours.

Mental fitness and well-being -- key building blocks of sustained performance -- enable you to stay optimistic and help your teams stay energized.


Feeling Meh? Here's How You Can Break Free From Your Routine

There are things that you can do to not only figure out why you're stuck, but also learn how to get motivated and excited again.


11 Time Management Mistakes You Are Probably Making

Staying busy without getting results is worse than just being lazy.


6 Ways to Achieve Perfect Work-Life Balance

Founders share their tips and tricks for staying sane (and productive).


When Hustling Is Harmful: How to Save Your Employees From Burnout

Sure, you want your employees to work hard, but what happens when they buy into the mentality of grinding until they drop? Rather than laud your team's workaholics, promote balance to get better -- not more -- work.


Paradox: How Idle Time at Work Can Improve Productivity

Regular, pre-planned "microbreaks" can keep you focused and energized, and at the top of your game.


Add Years to Your Life with These 4 'Work Break' Apps

Are you notoriously bad at periodically standing up from your desk or resting your eyes after staring at your computer screen? These tools can help.


3 Ways to Survive Being Promoted

Promotions are your reward for being driven, which means you are probably your own harshest supervisor.