Elections: Page 2

News and Trends

Why is it too Early to Write off Prashant Kishor's Charisma

He still remains under the glare of many political parties and his next alliance will surely send across a cautionary message to the opposition camps

Social Media

This Data Dissects Choices of Indians Who Are Anything But Apolitical

The internet has played a bigger role in impacting the decision - making of the people, with social media, being the biggest influence in the Indian politics.


Considering Escaping the U.S.? Here Are Some Deals You Can't Miss.

Here's some post-election travel discounts you don't want to miss.

Growth Strategies

Three Indo-American Make Political History In US Elections

The Three Indo-Americans Are Making A Mark n U.S. Elections

Business News

How to Watch the Presidential Election Results Online

It's Election Day in America, and you have a number of ways to watch live election coverage online.


The November Election Could Depend on Which Candidate Masters This Sales Strategy

Stories hold the power to connect with people and motivate them to become engaged voters.

Business News

Clinton Secures Mark Cuban's Endorsement

Cuban had spoken with Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta several times in recent weeks and called him on Thursday to say he was ready to endorse Clinton, a campaign aide said.

Business News

Billionaire Launches U.S. Millennial Voter Drive

Environmental activist Tom Steyer's super PAC launched with the hope of electing candidates that will work to combat climate change.

Money & Finance

How Much Money Does It Take to Win an Election? (Infographic)

When it comes to getting elected, currency counts as much as policy.


CEO Pay Isn't All That Out of Whack If You Look at Real Data

Why do CEOs get paid so much? Because they deserve it. Plain and simple.

Growing a Business

Why Politics and Business Don't Mix

Executives and business leaders should be aware that expressing their views by nature exerts pressure on employees and associates to conform.


Anchor Babies? What Really Matters in U.S. Presidential Race.

There are the only 9 issues that truly matter in the presidential campaign, and we need to address them now.


In the Battle of Billionaires, Howard Schultz Doesn't Measure Up to Trump

Howard Schultz is reportedly being urged to run for president. But if he wants to succeed, he needs to better understand his target market.


Hillary Clinton's Likability Crisis

In business, you don't have to be liked to be successful. In politics, it's crucial.

Business News

Sarcasm Poses Problem for Computer Algorithms in U.S. Election

Increasingly, data gatherers find themselves tripped up by basic social media conventions like sarcasm and mockery.