gender pay gap


Black Women Are Using Side Hustles to Mitigate the Pay Gap. Is It Helping or Hurting Them?

DEI expert Nika White discusses how side hustles — while serving as a supplementary income — are also hurting people of color, particularly women.


It's Equal Pay Day — These 5 Franchises Have Made Public Pledges for Pay Equality.

These efforts by franchises to address the Gender Wage Gap are vital steps towards creating a more inclusive and fair workplace, highlighting the broader movement towards gender equality in the corporate world.

Thought Leaders

The Gender Pay Gap Is About to Widen as Companies Unknowingly Adopt This 'Men First' Work Policy

By scrapping the gains in flexible working environments made during the pandemic, firms are essentially establishing a "men first" hiring policy, whether they realize it or not. An inflexible return-to-office approach is pushing women out, which in turn fosters an environment that is even more exclusive.


Studies Suggest It's Good Business to Hire Women Over Men. Here's Why.

It is clear that the "glass ceiling" exists, and women face discrimination that hinders their advancement compared to men, despite having similar qualifications, skills and experience. However, employing women over men may be the key to success for your business, according to a wealth of scientific research.

Business News

Jennifer Lawrence Slams Gender Pay Gap: 'I'm Still Not Going to Get Paid as Much'

The Oscar-winning actress spoke about the pay disparity in Hollywood during a recent interview with Vogue.

Business News

This tiktoker asks people on the street how much they earn and is becoming a sensation

The questions are part of a project that seeks to raise awareness around the pay gap.

Thought Leaders

5 Ways Women Can Fight the Gender Pay Gap (Besides Asking for More Money)

The gender pay gap isn't going away by itself, so here's what we can do to eliminate it.

Business News

It's Equal Pay Day, and This Twitter Bot Is Calling Out Companies That Pay Men More Than Women

Twitter users and retweeted organizations alike had a lot to say about the bot's revelations (or at least, those who didn't delete the tweets putting them on blast did).

News and Trends

Gender Pay Gap In the Gig Economy Is Narrower: Report

Female freelancers on average earn 84 per cent of what men earn across all fields, while the number is much worse in a regular job where it is 64 per cent.

News and Trends

Combined Wealth Of Indian Billionaires Is More Than The Union Budget 2018-19: Report

India's richest 1 per cent has four times the wealth owned by the bottom 70 per cent or 953 million Indians, according to an Oxfam report

Business News

That Time Disney Rejected A Woman Job Applicant...Because She Was A Woman

At lot has changed but it's taken 80 years.

News and Trends

Respecting Women as Purchasers is Key to Business Growth

It's surprising that more people, especially salespeople, haven't yet figured out that women account for 85 percent of all purchases and drive 70-80 percent of all consumer spending

News and Trends

Singapore Sees Widest Gender Pay Gap In A Decade

Women face a relatively smaller wage gap in industries such as real estate, construction, arts and recreation and other service-related sectors

Women Entrepreneur®

Want Hit Records? Include More Women in Your Creative Process

For production of the top 600 songs made between 2012 and 2017, women made up only 22 per cent of artists, 12 per cent of songwriters, 3 per cent of engineers, and 2 percent of producers