Hackers: Page 10

Science & Technology

Your Startup Should Think About Security From the Beginning

What are you doing right now to make sure your hard work isn't taken down by some faceless hacker?

Social Media

Like President Trump, You Might Want to Fix This Twitter Security Setting Too

Make sure you utilize this basic setting on the microblogging site before you become a hacking victim.

Celebrity Entrepreneurs

Elon Musk: AI Could Destroy the Internet

Let's be honest, that's a surprise to no one.

Social Media

5 Ways to Keep Your Social Media Accounts Safe From Hackers

Taking even the most basic security steps makes it far less likely hackers will make the effort to break in.

Business News

Feds to Car Makers: Make Sure You're Ready for Cyberattacks

The DOT's best practices aim to reduce the probability of a cyberattack or mitigate a successful intrusion.

Business News

Sri Lankan Student Hacks President's Website to Delay Exam

That's one way to get out of a test.

Business News

Cyber Threat Grows for Bitcoin Exchanges

When hackers penetrated a secure authentication system at a bitcoin exchange called Bitfinex earlier this month, they stole about $70 million worth of the virtual currency.

Business News

Hacking Group Claims to Offer Cyber-Weapons in Online Auction

Hackers going by the name Shadow Brokers said on Monday they will auction stolen surveillance tools they say were used by a cyber group linked to the U.S. National Security Agency.

Business News

The Good and the Terrifying Things at Black Hat 2016

Car hacks, cash-spewing ATMs, Apple's special blenders and computers generating Taylor Swift songs were just a few of the things at Black Hat 2016.

Business News

Hackers Breach Hundreds of Thousands of Cash Registers

A security researcher said the breach appears to have originated from a Russian cybercrime syndicate.

Business News

Be Afraid! 8 New Hacks From the Black Hat Conference That Should Scare You.

At this year's Black Hat Conference, hackers gathered to share their dirtiest hacking secrets. Here's what you can learn from them.

Business News

A Peek Inside the Black Hat Network Operations Center

The default hotel network may be fine for a pet supply vendor conference, but Black Hat is a different story.

Business News

Hackers Claim Responsibility for Attack on Pokemon Go Servers

Hacking team OurMine claims responsibility for knocking the game's servers offline over the weekend.

Business News

FCA To Offer Rewards To Hackers Who Help It Find Security Flaws

FCA's move comes a year after independent cybersecurity researchers used a wireless connection to turn off a Jeep Cherokee's engine.