Hackers: Page 2

Business News

23andMe Hackers Selling Stolen User Data, Including DNA Profiles of 'Celebrities,' on Dark Web

Ancestry and genetic test kit company 23andMe has fallen victim to a significant cyber attack, with hackers claiming to have account information for Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, among others.

Business News

Severe Cyberattack Strikes Clorox, Derails Production and Financial Outlook

Clorox, known for its household cleaning products, suffered the cyberattack in August, but operations still have not returned to normal.


Hackeo masivo en Colombia: el Gobierno sugiere la eliminación de servicios en la nube en respuesta al mayor ciberataque de su historia

El ciberataque producido a una multinacional afectó los servicios gubernamentales de varios países de Latinoamérica, entre ellos Colombia, donde sugieren prescindir de los servicios en la nube y volver al tradicional 'on premise', estas serían las implicaciones.


Científicos de la Universidad de Cornell crean un inteligencia artificial capaz de robar contraseñas con solo escuchar las teclas presionadas en el teclado

En el experimento los académicos de la Universidad de Cornell lograron alcanzar una efectividad de hasta un 95%.

Science & Technology

A Cybersecurity Expert Reveals Why You're a Cybercriminal's Next Target — and 5 Things You Can Do to Beef Up Your Defense.

The right plans and procedures can be the difference between thwarting a cyberattack and becoming headline news.


¿Qué es WormGPT? La alternativa "maligna" de ChatGPT

Cuidado: esta herramienta es ofrecida en el mercado negro para realizar fraudes tecnológicos.


So, You've Been Hacked. These are the Best Practices for Business Leaders Post-Hack

The lasting effects of a cyber incident can impact an organization's reputation, customers, workforce, databases and network architecture.

Business News

The Ashley Madison Hack Exposed Cheaters Everywhere. Now Hulu Is Rehashing the Scandal.

Ashley Madison is known for privately connecting people to extramarital affairs, but the website was found to not be as anonymous as it promised.

Business News

'We Expect to Leak the Data': Reddit Hackers Demand $4.5 Million and API Pricing Changes But Say They Doubt The Company Will Pay

The ransomware group BlackCat (also known as ALPHV) is threatening to release 80 gigabytes of data if Reddit doesn't meet the hackers' demands.


¡Atención hackers éticos! OpenAI lanza programa de recompensas por detección de fallas en sus herramientas de inteligencia artificial

El programa lleva el nombre de Bug Bounty Program y ofrece recompensas de hasta $20,000 dólares.

Business News

Hackers Could Open Your Garage Door From Anywhere in the World If You Use Nexx Smart Devices

The WiFi-enabled security system reportedly has several vulnerabilities, some of which are so worrisome a researcher has advised users to cease using them until issues are resolved.

Business News

A Retired Teacher and Her Daughter Were Scammed Out of $200,000 Over Email: 'I'm 69 Years Old and Now I'm Broke and Homeless'

The mother-daughter duo was in the process of buying a townhouse when their email chain with the title company was hacked.

Business News

Amazon Ring Is the Latest Target of Notorious Ransomware Gang

Ring has said there is no evidence of a breach, but one of its third-party vendors has been hit with ransomware.

Growing a Business

Why More Founders Should Think Like White Hat Hackers

The dark web and white hat hackers... can entrepreneurs benefit?


Jose Pino, el hacker que desarrolla herramientas que resuelven los problemas de criptoinseguridad en América Latina

Desde niño se interesó por la programación y gracias a su experiencia ha sido reconocido por grandes tecnológicas tras hallar fallas de seguridad en sus sistemas.