Licensing: Page 4
The How-To: Licensing Your Business In The UAE
The last thing you want to do is set up with one licensing authority, and then find out later that it doesn't serve your company's needs.
Nokia Says It May Re-Enter Mobile Phone Market Through Licensing
The company says it was looking for a partner who would take on the manufacturing, sales, marketing and customer support for the products.
Should You License Your Product?
An expert breaks down the good and the bad of licensing to help you decide.
With Billions of App Downloads and YouTube Views, Talking Tom Spawned an Entertainment Empire
The trajectory of the beloved, green-eyed tabby shows the unique path being tread by animated characters in our digital era.
Inventing a Small Improvement to an Existing Idea Is All It Takes
A simple thing I came up with while doing something I love continued to sell for a decade.
The 5 Qualities You Need to Successfully License an Idea
If you want to live the life of an inventor, you had better develop yourself into an inventor.
How Tony Hawk Skated Past Rookie Business Mistakes on His Ride to Success
The legendary skateboarder describes his early entrepreneurial wipeouts and the hard lessons he learned from them.
5 High-Powered Animal Celebrities Who Earn More Than You Do
In the wake of swirling reports about Grumpy Cat's enormous earnings, we thought we'd check in on a few other animal celebrities who have managed to not just cultivate an Internet following, but cash in on it.
Playboy CEO: Nudity Could Completely Vanish From the Brand
How Scott Flanders is cleaning up an aging American empire by leaning on its legacy and pushing its digital potential.
5 Tips for Creatives to Profitably License Their Work
Starving is no way to live, even for artists. Licensing creative work for the consumer market can put food on the table.
4 Questions You Must Think Critically About Before Starting a Business
Don't fly blind and rapidly spend your hard-earned cash on an idea that may never work out.
The 10 Most Common Brand Licensing Mistakes
Licensing is a potentially lucrative path for product development and marketing but also a complex, often fraught, partnership.
Great-Grandchildren of 'Aunt Jemima' File $2 Billion Suit Against Quaker Oats
The heirs of Anna Short Harrington -- the second-ever woman to serve as the face of the Aunt Jemima breakfast brand -- are alleging 60 years of unpaid royalties in a brand new lawsuit.
To Build a Great Licensing Partnership, Discuss Expectations Early
A brand license works best when the licensors and licensees understand what to expect from each other. Misunderstandings are frustrating and costly.
Smoke and Mirrors: Why We Aren't Seeing More Digital Zombies Like Michael Jackson
The King of Pop's digitized performance at the Billboard Music Awards gave the world a glimpse into a captivating technology that faces serious hurdles, inside and out.