Personal Branding: Page 8


10 Ways You Are Ruining Your Personal Brand

Do you minimize the worth of your brand? If you're doing the following, you could be doing it.


5 Reasons to Work on a Personal Brand Yourself Instead of Outsourcing It

A personal brand is no longer just something that's "nice to have" or "for certain people." The internet has made it essential for everyone to take control of their personal brand and develop it well.

Thought Leaders

5 Steps for Building Trust and Becoming the Go-to in Your Field

The right approach to branding can put the thought leadership mantle within your grasp.

Social Media

How to Build an Online Presence With Social Media

A consistent and strategic approach is required to build an effective online presence, and these three techniques can help ensure that consistency.


Your Personal Brand Story: Does It Need To Be A Story Of Struggle?

Everyone faces challenges, but not all stories of transformation are filled with extraordinary events — and despite popular opinion, they don't need to be.

Social Media

How to Use Social Media for Market Research

Market research can be conducted via social media channels to gain insights into industry trends and competitor activity.


You Won't Have A Complete Business or Personal Brand Without This

Books remain the single greatest way to explain and demonstrate deep knowledge about complex subjects, issues, or expertise — all while building the author's credibility and brand.


The 7 Secrets of Truly Successful Personal Brands

Creating a solid brand is essential to your success in whatever field you enter. These seven tips will help you build the perfect personal brand.

Growth Strategies

Making Your Personal Brand Work For You: The How-To

Branding is crucial to the way we are perceived, and how likely people are to buy into your vision and purchase your products.


8 Self-Branding Secrets To Build Genuine Connection and Set Yourself Apart

Following these eight practices is essential for a personal brand and to set yourself apart to survive in today's increasingly individualistic society.


You Already Have a Personal Brand. For Your Business to Succeed, You Must Take Charge of It.

A personal brand isn't a fake persona, and it's most definitely not exclusive to celebrities or chiefs of multinational companies. As an entrepreneur, it's vital to start curating your existing one — here's how.


5 Steps for Coaches to Build an Effective Personal Brand and Stand Out in a Crowded Market

As a coach, how do you differentiate yourself from the sea of other coaches and build visibility that can attract the right clients to you? Here are a few tips.

Social Media

This Tool Is the Key to Enhancing Your Social Media Presence

Social listening tools can be a great addition to your social media and marketing incentives. Here's what to look for when deciding on the best app for you.

Social Media

How Journaling Helped Me Get 10,000 Instagram Followers

Journaling is a great way to grow your personal brand online. Here's how I did it!

Growing a Business

Lauren Maillian Shares How to Grow Your Business by Aligning Your Talent With Your Motivation

Learn how to thrive, even through difficult times.