Jon Michail

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor


Jon Michail is the CEO and founder of Image Group International, an Australia-based corporate and personal-brand image advisory and coaching organization that conducts transformational seminars, workshops and one-on-one coaching in over four continents.

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¿Quieres tener éxito? Invierte en tu peor enemigo

Ya sea que desees tener un ingreso más alto, alcanzar la cima de tu carrera profesional o convertirte en una mejor persona, invertir en ti mismo no es negociable.


El éxito emprendedor depende de tener la mentalidad correcta: aquí te explicamos cómo desarrollarla

El emprendimiento no se trata solo de iniciar un negocio; es un viaje a largo plazo lleno de desafíos, resiliencia y, muchas veces, fracasos. Sin embargo, son estos desafíos los que nos forman, así que debemos abrazarlos.


Entrepreneurial Success Comes Down to Having the Right Mindset — Here's How to Make Sure You Do

Entrepreneurship isn't merely about launching a business; it's a long-term journey filled with challenges, resilience and, often, failure. But it's these challenges that shape us — so you should embrace them.


Don't Blindly Follow the Herd — 5 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Must Chart Their Own Course

There are different powerful reasons why the concept of "black sheep" exists — one of those reasons is to learn to never follow the herd.


Want Success? Invest in Your Biggest Enemy

Whether you want to earn the highest figures, reach the peak of your professional career or become a better all-round person, investing in yourself is non-negotiable.


From Trusted to Cancelled — Here's How to Navigate the Double-Edged Sword of Social Media

Social media is a double-edged sword: skillfully wielded, it has the power either to amplify your voice or open doors to new prospects. Another slip can exact gaping wounds that will bleed your credibility and trust.

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