Robotics: Page 6


How Will AI Change the Shape of Logistics in India

Warehouses are looking to automate the processes within by using Robotics for packaging, sorting and Machine Learning for optimal loading of freight containers


AI is Here To Stay and No, It Won't Take Away Your Job

At RISE 2017, a panel discussion addressed critical theories on how robots and humans will be working together in the near future


How AI Will Define The Future For The Hotel Industry

There is a natural evolution with advancements in AI, as consumers are now getting accustomed to self-service in the travel industry through apps

Science & Technology

7 Reasons Not to Fear the Robot Revolution

Our future mechanical overlords still have a long way to go.


Entrepreneurs Must Realize That Virtual is the Reality in the New World

Technologies like Artificial Intelligence, 3D Printing and Robotics have leaped out of a sci-fi author's imagination and are now available in the real world

Science & Technology

How to Be a Winner in the Consumer Robotics Revolution

These devices are coming to a home near you, maybe your home. And that's not science fiction. How can your business get in on this?

Science & Technology

This Intense Robot Priest Can Give You Your Next Blessing

'God bless and protect you,' says the automaton.


Meet This Entrepreneur Turned Investor

Patni is of the view that there is some great stuff going on in the artificial intelligence and robotics sector these days.

Science & Technology

The World's First Robot Police Officer Just Debuted in Dubai

Robocop utilizes the internet of things to catch offenders and detect emotions.


How 3D Printing is making Drones Affordable and Accessible

Drones in the sky, in the sea and on the land are now setting examples of how the technology is going to improve our everyday life.


The Tussle Between Robo Advisers and Human Financial Firms

It then becomes a question of measuring the extent of human involvement with a particular piece of technology to class something as "robo", which is impossible to quantify.

Business News

Your Next Cute Robot May Be Korean

Pibo and Cubroid want to give every kid a robot, and they show there's innovation in Korea beyond LG and Samsung.


"Our Biggest Achievement Was When Our Idea Was Used in the Film 3 Idiots"

For a kid who says it was in his DNA and that he graduated from IIT Bombay, Robotics seems pretty much a natural thing for him to happen.


This Robot Will Carry Your Stuff and Follow You Everywhere

Meet Gita, the cargo-carrying robot.