Twitter Marketing: Page 8

Social Media

Expand Your YouTube Following Through Twitter and Facebook

Growing your YouTube audience isn't as hard as you think -- here's how you can generate video views and increase viewer loyalty with help from other social media channels.

Social Media

Marketing Trend for 2014: Smaller Messaging Has a Big Impact

Increasingly, brands are marketing themselves via short-form social media.


Like McDonald's Before It, JPMorgan Suffers a Hashtag Hijacking on Twitter

Amid bad press and federal scrutiny, the nation's largest bank needed a publicity win. But it got just the opposite.

Social Media

Twitter Creates Custom Timelines

New feature allows users and brands to create specific timelines around topics of their choosing.

Social Media

Questions You Need to Consider Before Retweeting Anything on Twitter

How to avoid passing on a sketchy tweet that could risk your and your startup's reputation.

Business News

What Twitter's New Scheduled Tweets Mean for Marketing Your Business

Here are four effective tips for using the social network's new feature to your startup's advantage.

Business News

3 Big Milestones in the Development of Twitter 'Language'

The first @reply, hashtag and retweet happened less than a decade ago, but in the world of social media, they're historic.

Social Media

Twitter Rolls Out New Features for Brands

Businesses can now schedule promoted tweets and receive direct messages from followers they haven't necessarily followed back.

Social Media

Twitter Will Become Remote Control for Comcast Pay-TV Users

A new Twitter feature, set to launch in November, may be a game changer for internet TV and online advertising.

Business News

A Must-Read Guide to Twitter Slang, Lingo, Abbreviations and Acronyms

If you've been feeling lost while navigating the sometimes strange world of Twitter, this information should help.

Social Media

Want to Spread Your Message? An Angry Tweet May Be the Answer

Computer scientists have found that angry messages spread faster on social media than messages of sadness, disgust, even joy.

Social Media

New Rule of Social Media: 3 Tweets Gets the Message Out

When it comes to tweeting -- or heck, even emailing or calling -- attempt at least three times, says Ilise Benun of Marketing Mentor.

Social Media

Twitter Just Made Connecting With Influencers a Little More Difficult

For verified users, a new feature filters spam mentions and can show only mentions from others who are also verified.

Business News

Easy Tips for Writing Better Tweets (Infographic)

Your tweets may already grab attention, but as they say, there's always room for improvement. Test out a few of these tips.

Social Media

What You Can Learn from the Golf Channel's MLK Speech Twitter Slip-up

Are there Twitter mulligans? The Golf Channel wants to know after it tried and failed with a Tweet commemorating the March on Washington.