Alex Lazarow
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Improving Diversity in the Technology Bubble
The future of innovation values diversity. For tactical strategies, look to global entrepreneurs.
Mejorando la diversidad en la burbuja tecnológica
El futuro de la innovación valora la diversidad. Para estrategias tácticas, busque emprendedores globales.
'Camel Startups' Put a High Value on the Quality of Their Products
Customers are willing to pay for reliable, safe and efficient products. Know your worth.
During Uncertain Times, Your Startup Should be a Camel, Not a Unicorn. Here's How to Be Prepared.
Camels thrive when times are good, but can also survive without food or water for months in the world's harshest climates.
The Role Model Mindset: Being a Great Entrepreneur Is About Showing Others What's Possible
How entrepreneurs solve big global problems, survive risky situations and create with limited resources.
Forget Unicorns. Startups Should Be Camels.
Startup 'camels' prioritize sustainability by balancing growth with cash flow.
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