Brendan M. Egan
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5 Things You Can Do Right Now to Prepare for the Post-Coronavirus Business World
Is your business ready for the five largest macro-trends we are about to see?
Marketing Dos and Don'ts During a Crisis
Think short-, medium- and long-term, and know what you should and shouldn't be changing.
Is Focusing On a Specific Niche Really That Important?
To specialize or not to specialize, that is the question. (The answer is yes.)
6 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Make Their Lives Easier and Avoid Burnout
You know the co-worker who is always complaining? Don't go to lunch with her.
Entrepreneurs Actually Can Find Time for Summer Fun in Their Hectic Schedules
Work-life balance is critical, but perhaps even more so in the summer.
4 Huge Expenses That Can Bankrupt Unprepared Startups
A new business is often just one lawsuit away from disaster.
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