Derek Lidow
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Which Type of Entrepreneur Are You: Bedrock or High-Risk?
There are two fundamentally different kinds of entrepreneurs. It doesn't matter which you are, so long as you know which you are.
Getting at the Real Why
The most successful entrepreneurs in history have been those acutely tuned to solving the most common problems.
Leading a Startup in Stage Four: Self-Sustainability
The travails of stage three have been surmounted; finally things are going well. Now it's time to disrupt your own company.
Leading a Startup in Stage Three: Growing Strong
Smoothing the lumps and wrinkles out of your enterprise is a grinding process, but the company that does is sturdier for it.
Leading a Startup in Stage 2: Operational Validation
Learn how to negotiate this treacherous ground and achieve operational validation.
How to Find Real Customers for Your Startup
Tips for mastering the tricky first step of turning your idea into a viable business.
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