Elinor Stutz
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How to Speak Directly to Client Interests
Movements, gestures and facial expressions are indicators of how your message is being received.
How to Detect a Leader vs. a Follower
And if you are an entrepreneur, are you keeping up to date with approaches to social media and all else that needs to be learned?
Strengthen Weak Areas to Experience More Victories
Self-pity is a huge waste of time. Learn from every experience.
Transform Dark Days into Opportunity
The day that you find you are doubting yourself, take private time to consider why that is.
Use Being Different to Your Competitive Advantage
Most people are very concerned about being different or knowing the least of everyone in the room when it comes to meetings. Sales professionals use the circumstance to their competitive advantage.
These 3 Qualities Can Improve Sales Results
They sound simple, but they make a difference.
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